
6 month old child used to cry for milk, so mother got fed up with his crying and killed him

Court sentenced life imprisonment to mother who threw herself into Ganganahar after killing child

Haridwar. The court of Fifth Additional District Judge Mukesh Chand Arya has sentenced a mother guilty of murdering her six-month-old innocent child to life imprisonment. The woman killed her son by drowning him in the Ganga river and then drowned him. The court has also imposed a fine of Rs 21 thousand on the woman. For non-payment of fine amount, additional imprisonment of two years has been ordered.
Government advocate Anuj Kumar said that on November 3, 2019, Deepak Baluni, resident of Sarv Priya Vihar, Haridwar, had lodged a missing complaint of his six-month-old child Anshu at Kankhal police station. The local police started investigation and scanned the CCTV footage. Neighboring people and relatives were interrogated. During this time, the police found the role of Sangeeta Baluni, the mother of the missing child, suspicious.
When the police interrogated the mother, she confessed to the murder. During interrogation, Sangeeta told that on the day of the incident, she kept the child in a bag and took it to Anandamayi Pulia, where she killed her by drowning her in the Ganga river and then dumped the body. After this, the woman returned after getting milk from the dairy at noon on the day of the incident and created a drama of the child going missing.
The police then arrested the accused Sangeeta Baluni and sent her to jail. The child’s body was recovered from Ganganahar two days after the incident. The guilty woman told in her statements to the police that due to illness she was not able to breastfeed her child. That’s why child Anshu used to cry continuously. Fed up with the child’s constant crying, he killed a piece of his own liver.

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