
Cell and separate fund constituted for prevention of human wildlife conflict

Human Wildlife Conflict Prevention Cell will conduct a detailed study of the reasons for the conflict

Dehradun. Human wildlife conflicts are on the rise. The government agreed to set up a cell and a separate fund to resolve this conflict. Initially an amount of two crore will be kept in this fund. Due to this, the relatives of the person killed in conflict with wildlife will not face any problem in getting compensation.
The Human Wildlife Conflict Prevention Cell will conduct a detailed study of the causes of conflict, so that effective steps can be taken for prevention. Forest Secretary Vijay Yadav said that according to the geographical area of ​​the state, hot spots can be identified on the basis of such incidents up to the block level. There the availability of resources can be done in a better way to prevent conflict. A quick decision will be taken on prevention of conflict with bears, crocodiles, guldar and other wildlife and payment of ex-gratia amount to the relatives of the affected person as soon as possible.
The Chief Minister has also asked to monitor it regularly. The compensation rates are pre-fixed by the State Wildlife Board. Brainstorming is going on to increase this amount. Further steps will be taken in this regard after getting the green signal from the Disaster Management Department. The Cell Wildlife will also provide technical assistance to the Chief Conservator of Forests and Chief Wildlife Warden in the discharge of their duties. Assistance will also be taken from outside the department for the requirement of human resources of appropriate expertise.
He told that incidents of human-wildlife conflict are accidental. There is no fixed time or place for such events. Funds are urgently needed to solve this problem.
It is for this reason that the decision to set up the Human Wildlife Conflict Prevention Fund has been taken. There will be an amount of two crores in this fund. Units were set up at Chidiyapur, Ranibagh and Almora for sterilization of monkeys, but due to non-availability of budget on time, doctors and units are not able to do this work for seven to eight months. Funds will also help in this work

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