
Don’t call it a post bungalow, call it a ghost bungalow, sir.

There is no repair of heritage building in Haldwani Tikonia

Haldwani. Once built by the British, this post office bungalow located at Tikonia square of the city has now come to terms with its plight. Situated in the midst of lush green environment all around, this Dak Bungalow has reached a dilapidated condition today. Neither any official is paying attention to this nor has anyone taken any step to save this heritage building. It was built by the British government, it was decorated but now it looks no less than a haunted bungalow. The building looks fine from outside, but seeing the inside view will make your head dizzy. The damp stench in the room is enough to suffocate you. The condition of the room has turned from bad to worse, the toilet is of no use, but it is surprising that people are ready to stay here even in such a condition in the VIP movement, the reason behind which is that these rooms are available for free. Student leaders of the college and close friends of ministers, MLAs and leaders keep coming and going here. You will see liquor and beer bottles lying everywhere, fanny dirt and scattered room is enough to open the pole here, but this does not matter to anyone here.
On the other hand, when it was investigated that how much income is earned from this post bungalow, then the watchman here told that don’t ask sir, only free service people come here. Don’t know since which time the register has not been filled… The situation is that no competent officer is even aware of the income coming from here. When the officials were talked to, they too were seen avoiding saying anything about it. The City Magistrate says that the booking of this guest house is done by us and the revenue from it goes to the Public Works Department. Wherein, when talked to the Executive Engineer of the Public Works Department, Ashok Kumar, he says that the reservation officer is the City Magistrate and a lot of money is required for its renovation, we have taken its consultancy as a heritage building and a The proposal is to be sent to the Government soon, and the GovtAnything further can be said only after getting approval from the side.However, it has to be seen how much more time it takes to save the existence of this dak bungalow…

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