
If you also have sugar then forget it, now there will be no need to take medicine or insulin.

AIIMS doctor prepared nano capsule for sugar control
If you have sugar then there is no need to panic now, with just one capsule you can get rid of this problem. Head of Department of General Medicine, AIIMS, Prof. On the basis of his research, Ravikant claimed that now sugar can be controlled for a long time without medicine and insulin injection.
Diabetes patients will now get relief from medicines and regular insulin injections. AIIMS doctors have prepared a nano capsule of beta cells using encapsulated human beta cell technology, which will be implanted in the body. This will keep sugar under control for a long time. Patients have to take medicines regularly every day to control sugar. When medicines also stop working, patients have to be injected daily with insulin from outside.
Head of Department of General Medicine, AIIMS, Prof. On the basis of his research, Ravikant claimed that now sugar can be controlled for a long time without medicine and insulin injection. He said that he has prepared a nano capsule of beta cell with encapsulated human beta cell technology. Sugar can be controlled for a long time by implanting the capsule in the body. It has been proven effective during laboratory testing. Currently this capsule is being experimented on animals. Pro. Ravikant has also applied for a patent for the said research.
Beta cells are in the pancreas, which produce insulin. Insulin works to metabolize carbohydrates in the body, which keeps the sugar level normal. In type one diabetes, beta cells are unable to produce insulin, due to which the patient has to be given insulin externally. Whereas in type 2 sugar, beta cells work excessively in the initial stage. Insulin resistance present in the body requires more insulin, but later there is loss of beta cells and sugar level increases. There comes a time when medicines stop working. Then the patient has to be given insulin externally.
Doctors remove beta cells from the pancreas of a healthy person. This creates many other beta cells. These beta cells manufactured in the laboratory are sealed inside nano capsules. Nutrients necessary for beta cells like oxygen etc. are also present in nano capsules. Due to which beta cells produce insulin. This nano capsule is implanted on the part of the stomach where insulin is injected. The insulin produced from Beta Nano Capsule reaches the patient’s blood and controls the sugar.

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