
Kalpana Bora became BJP Mahila Morcha state spokesperson

Kalpana Bora remains active in social work along with active politics.
Haridwar. On the consent of Bharatiya Janata Party State President Mahendra Bhatt and Mahila Morcha in-charge Kuldeep Kumar, State President of Bharatiya Janata Party Mahila Morcha Asha Nautiyal has appointed Kalpana Bora of Nainital Haldwani as state spokesperson. Kalpana Bora is a senior BJP leader. Prior to this, the party has performed many responsibilities. He also has an important participation in social works. Kalpana Bora has expressed gratitude to the BJP state office bearers. On the other hand, there is a wave of happiness among the workers of Kumaon including Haldwani because Kalpana Bora has become the state spokesperson

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