
The effect of unseasonal rains now, from the second fortnight of April heatwave will again wreak havoc

Meteorological Department issued forecast, now farmers are worried due to rain

New Delhi. It is raining unseasonally in the first week of April after March. Though this is providing respite from the heat, but the farmers are facing the brunt of the crop loss. Wheat and mustard crops have been damaged up to 35 percent. The Meteorological Department has forecast that more than normal days of heat wave are likely to prevail over most parts of northwest, central and east India during April to June. The heat wave will start from the eastern part of the country in the second fortnight of April. Its outbreak can be seen in most parts till the end of June.
Director General of the Meteorological Department, Dr. M Mohapatra said in a virtual press conference on Saturday, in the three months of April-June, maximum 15 days of heat wave occur in North India. Whereas in other parts it lasts for 5-10 days. This time this number of days may increase.
Mohapatra said, from April to June, the maximum temperature will be above normal in most parts of the country. However, it is likely to remain normal or below normal in some parts of northwest India and south peninsular India. As far as the minimum temperature is concerned, it will remain above normal except in some areas of North and Northeast India

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