Uttar Pradesh

Dak Kanwar collided with high tension line, five Shiva devotees including uncle-nephew died

Meerut. A horrific accident took place during the Kanwar Yatra on Saturday. Here in Bhavanpur police station area, the accident took place during the arrival of Dak Kanwar in the grip of high tension line. Many Kanwarias came under the grip of high tension line, out of which five died while many were badly burnt. On information, the police rushed to the spot and immediately took the injured people to the hospital. It was told that the condition of many remains critical. Uncle and nephew are also included in the dead.
According to the information, Vishal, Ajay, Abhishek, Manish, Yogesh, Rohtash, Pradeep, Anuj, Vineet, Censor, Mahendra, Mohit, Prince, Himanshu, Suraj and Sachin went to take the kanwar. All of them were returning back to Shivalaya on Saturday with Kanwar. Meanwhile, a big accident took place in Rali Chauhan of Bhavanpur police station area. As soon as the DJ running along with Dak Kanwar came under the grip of the high tension line, the Kanwariyas got electrocuted and got scorched, many of them fell down. On the other hand there was hue and cry in other kanwariyas. In a hurry, the scorched people were taken to the hospital with the help of 108 ambulances. Where five Shiva devotees were declared dead.
As soon as the information about the accident was received, the police of many police stations reached the spot. The authorities were also informed. It was told that Himanshu, Mahendra, Prashant and Lakhmi have died in the scorched Kanwariyas. He is a resident of Ral Chauhan of Bhavanpur police station area. Apart from this, many injured are undergoing treatment in the hospital. On the other hand, the kanwariyas have blocked the protest against the incident, police-administrative officials are reaching the spot. As soon as the information about the accident was received, there was uproar among the relatives of the Kanwariyas. The relatives are in bad condition by crying.
It was told that Manish (18) was brought dead in the emergency of Meerut Medical College. Medical staff has confirmed Manish’s death. At the same time, it is said that three scorched Kanwariyas will be admitted to Vedanta Hospital Shastri Nagar. It was told that two real brothers and uncle and nephew were also included in the dead. While fighting for life and death in the hospital, Lakshya also died. DM Deepak Meena has confirmed a total of six deaths.

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