
DJ will not play after 10 pm on Christmas and New Year celebrations in Nainital

Routes of vehicles will be changed, tourists will be sent to Nainital by shuttle service
Even before New Year and Christmas, the administration and the police together have taken a big decision. Now those going to Sarovar Nagar may get a shock. Actually, the administration has implemented a new rule in Nainital and according to this rule, songs will not be played here after ten o’clock.
CO City held a meeting with tourism businessmen regarding the preparations for Christmas and New Year in the city. He appealed to the businessmen to follow the traffic plan and cooperate with the police. He directed that permission to play music in hotels on the occasion of Christmas or Thirty First should be taken from the competent authority in due course of time. Do not play music after 10 pm under any circumstances.
On Wednesday, CO Vibha Dixit held a meeting with tourism and taxi businessmen at the Police Line auditorium. During this, preparations for the Christmas and New Year tourist season were discussed. He said that hoteliers or taxi operators should not park their vehicles on the roadside as it creates traffic jams. Cooperate in implementing the traffic plan made by the police.
In view of the increasing number of road accidents on Kaladhungi route, bus traffic will remain from Haldwani Road. After stopping the tourist vehicles at the entry point, the tourists will be sent to Nainital by shuttle service. Tempo Traveler will also be stopped at Barapatthar. Only small vehicles will be given entry on Pangot route.
CO Vibha Dixit appealed not to play music till late night on Thirty First. ARTO Rashmi Bhatt, Kotwal Dharamwari Solanki, TI Aadesh Kumar, Pankaj Tiwari, Lalit Mohan, Hotel Association Secretary Ved Sah, Amandeep Singh, Nasir Khan, Sanjay Lohani, Rajendra Prasad etc. were present in the meeting.

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