
Semi-nude woman’s body found sealed in a sack in couple’s room, couple absconding

Fear of murder for alms money
The couple living on rent in Landaura town fled away leaving the body of the beggar in a sack in the room. It is being told that the couple had hurriedly loaded the goods in a loader and ran away. In this way, people became suspicious due to the departure of the tenants, after which when they went inside the house, the dead body was recovered from the sack. Police is searching for the couple.
Dhara Singh, a resident of Amla in Bareilly district of UP, near Rajmahal in Landaura town, had taken a room on rent about five months ago. Dhara Singh came to live here with his wife. Dhara Singh used to set up a vegetable stall. On Thursday morning he called for a loader.
The husband and wife loaded all the household items in the loader. Meanwhile, some nearby women reached the spot and became suspicious as he suddenly left the room. The women started questioning. Meanwhile, Dhara Singh loaded the goods in the loader and left from there along with his wife. When he absconded, the women went to their home and informed about the matter, after which people informed the police fearing something untoward. After which the police reached the spot.
When the police went to the empty house, they found a sack kept there. When the police opened the sack, they found the body of a woman (50) in a semi-nude condition, with blood flowing from her mouth and nose. The murder of the woman is being suspected. The dead body looked about a day old. When the police tried to identify the body of the deceased from nearby people, they found out that the body was that of a beggar. The woman has been seen at the tenant’s house earlier also.
CO Bahadur Singh Chauhan said that the matter is being investigated. The absconding couple is being traced. Also, the cause of death will be known after the post mortem report. Police are trying to identify the loader and reach the accused.
The body of the woman was found inside the room. That woman had been begging for a long time. The woman has been seen at the couple’s place several times. It is suspected that the couple might have asked the woman for alms. Somewhere the woman was not murdered for the money collected by begging. Police is looking for answers to many such questions.

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