
As soon as the rain stopped, the mercury rose in the capital, on September 1, the temperature reached 35 degrees for the second time in 23 years.

Dehradun. After the stoppage of rains in Uttarakhand, the mercury has started rising continuously due to the bright sunshine. Due to which the sultry heat is making us miserable. On the very first day of September, the mercury reached near the highest level.
The maximum temperature of Doon was recorded at 35.2 degree Celsius, which is the second highest temperature in September in the last 23 years. Earlier only in the year 2020, the mercury had crossed 35. However, the all-time record for maximum temperature in September was recorded in the year 1974 at 36.6 °C.
After the weakening of monsoon in the last week of August, bright sunshine is blooming in most areas of the state including Doon. Due to which the mercury is continuously rising and life is affected by the heat. Within the last one week, an increase of two to six degree Celsius in temperature has been recorded in most areas of the state.
On Friday, the first day of September, the Sun’s attitude became more severe. In many plain areas including Doon, the temperature reached more than 35 degree Celsius. Whereas, this has happened only for the second time after the year 2020 in September. The sky is expected to remain clear in most areas for the next few days as well. In such a situation, there is a possibility of further increase in mercury.

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