
As soon as they reached Haridwar, the devotees said, O Ram! What a jam..

Haridwar packed on weekends, crowd from highway to Ganga Ghats

Haridwar. A huge crowd has gathered in Haridwar on weekends. Due to this the traffic system has started crumbling. Had to deal with jam on Saturday and similar condition is likely to happen on Sunday as well. The streets are crowded since morning. The parking lots are full and devotees are taking a dip at the Ganges ghats.
On Saturday, the police force was seen sweating throughout the day battling the jam. Due to the entry of passenger vehicles inside the city, the situation of jam continued throughout the day. The local citizens were also troubled by getting stuck in the jam. From morning itself, a large number of passenger vehicles from Delhi NCR, West UP to Punjab-Haryana started reaching here. By the time the Haridwar police could not handle it, the jam in the entire city had taken a huge form

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