
Boat capsized in Nainital due to strong wind in Nainital, people aboard saved their lives by swimming.

Nainital. A yacht sailing in Nainital capsized due to stormy weather in Nainital, Uttarakhand. The people aboard saved their lives by swimming, however, another yacht and boat immediately reached there to protect them.

The Meteorological Department had forecast light snowfall and rain in Uttarakhand. Till Sunday the weather in Nainital was very good. Suddenly on Monday morning the clouds took away the freedom of the sky. Within no time, fog covered the city at one o’clock in the afternoon. Drizzle and strong winds started blowing along with fog. Boats and yachts sailing in Naini Lake became uncomfortable due to the sudden heavy rain and wind. Among these, a yacht that came against the wind overturned, which was captured by the media persons present there on their cameras. Another yacht immediately arrived for the people on board the yacht and took them safely to the stand. Later the yacht was also brought to the lake shore and repaired. Clouds and fog took over the city as if the afternoon had turned into night. Drivers switched on the headlights of their vehicles. Considering the weather conditions, shopkeepers closed their shops from noon itself.

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