
Death of a minor working in a flat near MLA Hostel, commotion

Leader of Opposition Yashpal Arya along with Congress MLAs reached the spot.
. A minor working in a flat near MLA Hostel on Race Course Road died under suspicious circumstances. It is being told that the minor hanged himself in the bathroom, but the family members have blamed the landlord for his death. Hundreds of people gathered at the spot after hearing the news of the minor’s death. They first went to the incident spot and later to the police station and created a ruckus. On information, Leader of Opposition Yashpal Arya as well as Congress MLAs reached the spot and then reached the police station and demanded action against the accused. He also raised questions on law and order in the capital. After the complaint of the family members, Nehru Colony police station registered a case against the landlord and took him into custody.
According to the information, a 15-year-old minor resident of Muzaffarpur, Bihar was working in the house of Abhishek alias Rajan Luthra for the last two months. Sometimes she stayed there and sometimes she went to her home. It is being told that on 28th February also she came home at around 5 o’clock. She told her friends that Rajan Luthra had hit her with a belt. She had also shown the marks to her friends. The father told that she did not want to go back, but Rajan Luthra’s guard came to the house and forcefully took her away. According to the father, at around 1 o’clock the police informed him that his daughter had committed suicide. After this he went to the hospital, but was not allowed to meet him there also.
Police are prima facie considering it as suicide. According to the police, there are marks on his neck. Even in the CCTV footage, she is seen carrying a table to the bathroom. On the other hand, after the news of the death of the minor, a large number of people gathered outside the flat. They created a huge ruckus there. During this time the angry mob also tried to vandalize the flat. Apart from this, the crowd also demonstrated in the police station and demanded immediate arrest of the accused and strict action. SSP Ajay Singh said that based on the complaint of the family members, a case has been registered against the accused landlord. The matter is being investigated seriously. The causes of death are being ascertained. The accused is being detained and interrogated.
Cabinet Minister Premchand Aggarwal met the family members in the case of the death of a minor. Assuring them that investigation is being done in this regard. Strict action will be taken against the accused. During this, the Minister also announced financial assistance of Rs 2 lakh from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund. During this, MLA Vinod Chamoli, councilors and other public representatives were present.
Uttarakhand Child Protection Commission has sought a report from the SSP on the death of the minor. Child Protection Commission Chairperson Dr. Geeta Khanna said that the entire situation is being investigated. After getting the information, counseling of the family will be done. It will be found out what is the condition of the girl’s house. Why did the parents send the child to work? What work do the girl’s parents do?

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