Uttar Pradesh

Dehradun’s painter’s 7-year-old son was killed by his uncle by slitting his throat with a blade.

Accused was angry with elder brother’s scolding, vented his anger on nephew, picked him up while playing

Angered by the scolding of the elder brother, the minor younger brother killed his 7-year-old nephew. The accused along with a friend picked up the nephew who was playing outside the house and took him to the forest. There he came after cutting his throat with a blade and throwing the dead body in the bushes. Disclosing the sensational incident, the Bijnor police have arrested the accused while recovering the dead body. The friend with whom he committed the crime is absconding.
Information Irfan, a resident of Bhaguwala village, is a painter in Dehradun. His family lives here in the village. After three daughters, Hamza was born, there is another brother younger than him. Hamza was playing outside the house on Friday afternoon. During this, he suddenly went missing. When nothing was known about Hamza for a long time, his search was started. But, he was nowhere to be found. After searching overnight, the family informed the police on Saturday morning. The police reached the spot and questioned the villagers. But, no clue of the child was found.
Meanwhile, during interrogation, the police came to know that the child was last seen with the uncle living in the neighbourhood. On this basis, the police interrogated the accused uncle. In the beginning, he kept saying that he was not aware. But, when the police tightened it, it broke down. He accepted his crime. Told that one of his companions was also involved in the incident.
On the mark of the accused uncle, the police 4 km from the house. The dead body has been recovered from a distant forest. The dead body has been sent for postmortem. Police have also recovered a blood-stained blade from the spot. During interrogation, the accused gave a shocking reason for the murder

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