
Landslide in Lelta village of Kalsi, Dehradun, cracks in more than 10 houses, road and fields

Landslides have caused a lot of damage in Jakhan, Lakhwad and Khamrauli a few days back.

Dehradun. After Jakhan, Lakhwad and Khamrauli in Dehradun district, a landslide situation has also developed in Lelta village of Kalsi block. Here more than 10 houses have developed cracks due to landslide. Along with this, the crack lying in the road and fields is also getting wider.
The villagers believe that due to the settlement of the village on a raw hill, landslides are happening here. In such a situation, as soon as there is light rain, the villagers get scared and spend the whole night awake. They fear that the landslide will destroy their houses as well as their fields and gardens. The villagers of Lelta have demanded the administration to take protective measures in the village.
About 80 families live in Lelta village, located at a distance of 34 km from the block headquarter Kalsi. For the past few days, landslides happening in the village have given sleepless nights to the villagers. Actually, the landslide started in the village in the year 2019, which was increasing gradually. But, due to excessive rains during this rainy season, cracks have also appeared in the buildings, which are getting wider.
Village head Lelta Ajab Singh Chauhan told that the villagers are forced to live in the shadow of fear after cracks in 10 houses of the village. Landslide is happening at a slow pace in the populated area of the village. Due to this, cracks are coming in the fields and gardens under the village. The road below the village has also sunk in. The panic of the villagers increases even more as soon as it rains heavily.

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