
Married woman hanged in Haldwani, in-laws accused of dowry harassment

Married in 2018, Haldwani started living a few days ago
. Due to the daily dowry harassment of the in-laws, a woman got hanged. The brother of the deceased has handed over Tahrir to the police and demanded action.
In the Tahrir submitted to the police, Khyali Dutt Joshi s/o Keshav Dutt Joshi, resident of village Lakhni, district Bageshwar, has said that his sister Renu Joshi was married in April 2018 to Dheeraj Pathak, s/o Shambhu Pathak, resident of Garud district Bageshwar. It is alleged that after a few days of marriage, mother-in-law Hema Pathak and husband Dheeraj Pathak started demanding dowry. On expressing his inability, he was physically and mentally abused.
It is alleged that her sister’s husband Dheeraj and mother-in-law Hema, working in Delhi, came to Haldwani a week ago and started living with Renu and she was assaulted. Fed up with this, he hanged himself in the rented room on 6th July. On being informed about this, when he reached Dr. Sushila Tiwari Hospital, the in-laws fled leaving the dead body. The victim has demanded action from the police against the accused for dowry harassment as well as abetment to suicide. On the basis of Tahrir, the police have registered a case and started their action

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