Uttar Pradesh

Murder of parents and sister by cutting with an ax

The son of the accused was angry with the reprimand for stealing a sack of wheat

Lucknow. Angered by reprimand for stealing a sack of wheat, the young man hacked his parents and sister to death with an axe. The accused absconded after the murder. The incident took place at 3 am on Sunday morning in Azamgarh.
IG Akhilesh Kumar has been quoted as saying that the incident is from Dhandhari village of Kaptanganj. On Sunday morning, the villagers saw the dead bodies of all three lying separately on the bed. The name of the accused youth is Rajan Singh (20). He had stolen a sack of wheat from the house on Saturday. Father Bhanu Pratap Singh (48) and mother Sunita Devi (45) reprimanded Rajan. Angered by this, Rajan carried out the incident. The accused also put sister Rashi Singh (12) to sleep

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