
Nandi was killed by the tenant for not giving loan bidi

Police disclosed blind murder, accused arrested
. Police has disclosed the Nandi murder case in Gorapadav. Nandi’s killer turned out to be none other than his neighbor’s tenant.
On May 5, Nandi Devi, located in Gaurapadao Hadagajjar, was strangled to death with a scarf by the killer in her own house. When the police reached the spot after the police, they collected many evidences. But the police failed to reach the murderer. Police interrogated several suspects to unravel the murder case. The boys who had attended the birthday party in the neighborhood on the night of the murder were also questioned. But no important clue was found.
Police was continuously trying for the murder case, meanwhile, the missing mobile of the deceased was found with a local person. When the police inquired, he told that another person had mortgaged the mobile while gambling that he would bring the mobile back if he would bring the money but that person did not take the mobile back.
In the police investigation, the mobile was found to be Nandi’s. Near whom that person was searched. During this, it was learned that Manoj Puri resident Nawabganj Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh resides alone in a rented house in the neighborhood of Nandi and does sand gravel work in Gaula. The police arrested him.
The murderer said that he had gone to Nandi aunty’s place to buy beedis, but he did not have the money with him. In such a situation, he asked for borrowed beedi there, but Nandi did not give him a beedi, abusing him. This thing stung him. After this he went to the room and made a plan to hide Nandi. Went out of his room late at night after everyone was asleep. He hid in front of Nandi’s house and waited for the doors to open. As soon as Nandi opened the door, he hit Nandi on the head with a hammer. Due to which Nandi fell inside. Since then he kept attacking her continuously.
Nandi got angry at that, then she strangled Nandi with her scarf. After that dragged him to the bathroom. Where his head was immersed in the tub, after that he went to Nandi’s house. From where he took bag clothes and cash and mobile and fled. The next day he lost money while gambling at Gaula Gate and pawned the mobile. After this he went to his home. But the pledged mobile managed to lead the police to the murderer. Police is going to present him in court

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