
On the lines of army canteen, Uttarakhand police personnel will get cheap household items.

Soldiers will be able to purchase goods from the police canteen through smart cards.
. On the lines of the Army Canteen of the Indian Army, Uttarakhand Police is also going to make smart cards for its soldiers. Now soldiers will be able to make purchases in the police canteen only through smart cards. Only the policeman or his family member can make purchases on the smart card.
Earlier anyone could go to the canteen and purchase any item, now this will no longer be possible. There is a police canteen in every district of the state. From where police, paramilitary personnel, home guards, their relatives and retired employees buy goods. Till now the system is that any person goes and registers his acquaintance’s name in the register and buys enough goods as per his wish. But this will not happen now.
On the instructions of the Central Police Kalyan Bhandar, forms are being filled by police, paramilitary and home guard personnel and retired employees purchasing goods from the canteen in the entire state. After filling the forms, they will be sent to the Central Police Welfare Store. After this the smart card will be ready. Goods will be given on the basis of this card. It will be necessary to bring smart card while purchasing goods from the canteen. Goods will be available on the basis of this card. In this, both the limits and rates for purchasing goods will be decided. Only as much goods will be available as decided by the Central Police Kalyan Bhandar.

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