
On the pretext of liberating them from the jinn, the evil father scarred the bodies of both the daughters and killed them by keeping them hungry and thirsty.

Father was not ready to accept his guilt, uncle cremated both the bodies.

Kashipur. To free them from the jinn, the father who became a beast not only scarred the bodies of his two daughters at various places, but also kept them hostage and hungry and thirsty for several days. Kept beating them mercilessly with sticks. Both of them became breathless due to continuous torture and died. The post mortem report has revealed the story of father Ali Hasan’s atrocities.
On the information of former councilor Abdul Qadir, the police on Saturday recovered the bodies of Fareen (19) and her younger sister Yasmeen (11) from the house of Ali Hasan alias Suraj in Khaliq Colony of Lakshmipur Patti. Of these, Yasmin’s body was said to be four days old. Anyone’s heart should tremble after hearing the brutal manner in which the two sisters were murdered. In the Panchnama, marks of beating with sticks were found at various places on their bodies. The bodies of both the Batis were scarred at many places. Due to being hungry and thirsty for several days continuously, she became a victim of malnutrition. His body left him and he no longer had the courage to protest against the constant torture he was receiving. The post mortem report has also confirmed branding and assault.
After the post-mortem, the police handed over the bodies of both the sisters to their uncle Mehndi Hasan alias Mintu, who lives in Lakshmipur Patti. With the help of the people of the colony, the uncle buried both the bodies.
During interrogation, the accused father Ali Hasan alias Suraj told in detail about the torture given to the girls. Said that on November 23, he lit a lamp in his house and also slaughtered the chicken. He is still not ready to accept his guilt for the brutal murder of his daughters. He is stuck in the same routine that the wind killed both his daughters. He had beaten his daughters to drive away Jinnat. He did not intend to kill his daughters.

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