
State power is incomplete without religious power: Swami Sakshi Maharaj

The present era is the era of Sanatan Dharma culture, yoga and Ayurveda: Acharya Balakrishna

Haridwar. Acharya Balakrishna Maharaj said that the present era is the era of Sanatan Dharma culture, Yoga and Ayurveda and saints are the pride of Sanatan Dharma. Addressing the Sant Sammelan organized at the conclusion of the Mahayagya organized in association with Paramadhyam Swami Adiyogi Maharaj at the Adiyogi Vidyapeeth Ashram located in Bishanpur Kundi, Acharya Balkrishna Maharaj said that Patanjali Yoga is also contributing in furtherance of religion and culture along with Ayurveda. . Patanjali has taken a step further in this direction by dedicating 100 young sanyasis to the nation on Ram Navami. He said that young saints like Swami Adiyogi Maharaj, who are guiding the society through yoga and spirituality, are the future of Sanatan Dharma. Young saints should take inspiration from him. Swami Adiyogi Maharaj has done a commendable job by organizing a Mahayagya to remove the obstacles being faced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, who are engaged in the task of nation building. The program was inaugurated by the saints by lighting the lamp. Addressing the program, Member of Parliament Swami Hari Sachchidanand Sakshi Maharaj said that the monarchy is incomplete without the power of religion and saints have always played an important role in maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation. He said that as a result of the ritual performed by Swami Adiyogi Maharaj, the obstacles coming in the way of Prime Minister Modi in the task of nation building will be removed and India will be on the status of Vishwa Guru. Sant Samaj wishes for the long life of PM Modi. Discussing the effect of Ayurveda, he said that Ayurveda is very effective even in incurable diseases. A few years ago he was suffering badly from diabetes. After undergoing Ayurvedic treatment under the supervision of Swami Ramdev and Acharya Balakrishna at Patanjali Yogpeeth, he is now completely healthy. Swami Harichetananand Maharaj, former Municipality President Satpal Brahmachari and Swami Ravidev Shastri said that the meeting of the living soul and the Supreme Soul is Yoga. Swami Adiyogi Maharaj, who is contributing in the propagation of Sanatan Dharma culture by taking forward the stream of Yoga and spirituality, deserves congratulations. Mahamandaleshwar Swami Lalitanand Giri, Swami Anantanand and Swami Premanand Giri Maharaj said that the unwavering faith of young Saint Swami Adiyogi Maharaj towards the Sanatan Dharma culture of the country is praiseworthy. Mahamandaleshwar Swami Prabodhanand Giri Maharaj said that Swami Adiyogi Maharaj is making remarkable efforts in the promotion of Sanatan Dharma, culture and yoga. He also demanded the government to protect the saints living in the forests and not to remove them from their places. Mahant Darshan Bharti Maharaj said that after years India has got leadership like Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and CM Yogi, Sanatan traditions are continuously getting stronger and India is moving forward to attain the title of Vishwa Guru. Swami Adiyogi Maharaj expressed his gratitude to the saintly legends and said that a new image of India has been created on the world stage by the spiritual message being spread all over the world through the saint tradition of Devbhoomi Uttarakhand. He said that the goal of his life is to advance the work of nation building under the guidance of the Sant Samaj. The program was conducted by Swami Harichetananand Maharaj. Swami Adiyogi Maharaj, Pandit Ganga Prasad Badola, Amit Walia, Amit Saini, Dr.Vishal Garg, Pandit Adhir Kaushik, Vishwas Saxena welcomed the saints.Many saints and dignitaries including Mahant Raghuvirdas, Mahant Suraj Das, Mahant Gangadas Udasin, Mahant Bihari Sharan, Mahant Ankit Sharan, Swami Nagendra Brahmachari, SP City Swatantra Kumar, former MP Manoharkant Dhyani etc. were present on this occasion

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