Police arrested three accused, the incident took place due to old rivalry Haridwar. A youth resident of Kankhal, who was sleeping at...
The court of Special Fast Track Pankaj Tomar also imposed a fine of Rs 10,000 on the convict. Dehradun. The court has...
Police found many important clues in CCTV footage Dehradun. The police have identified the culprits in the murder of a young man...
Responsibility of land marking for construction of Gausadans given to District Magistrates Dehradun. The government has become serious about the protection of...
India, America, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, European Union, France, Italy, Germany will participate in the construction of the corridor. New Delhi....
Apart from entrepreneurs, the Governor honored many officials at Raj Bhavan. Dehradun. 35 people were awarded the Industrial Leader Award for their...
Due to the insistence of marrying her lover, the family had murdered the girl in Buggawala village. Haridwar. Second Additional District Judge...
Bageshwar. The counting of votes for Bageshwar Assembly by-election of Uttarakhand has started at 8 am today. The fate of five candidates...
Dehradun. After starting air service from Dehradun to Hindon-Ludhiana from Wednesday, now Flybig company will start its flight from Dehradun to Pithoragarh.19...
In the survey of the District Technical Committee, the water level of Ganga is not favorable for rafting, now the survey will...
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