Uttar Pradesh

Bride’s mother and aunt died before the wedding procession, chaos in the wedding house

The regulator came out due to getting stuck while cooking in the kitchen and fire broke out, 10 people got burnt
Here, a day before the marriage, the bride’s mother and aunt were burnt alive. Both were cooking in the kitchen. Then the gas cylinder fell due to stumbling from aunt’s foot and the pipe came out from the regulator. A massive fire broke out due to gas leakage. After the fire broke out, there was hue and cry all around. The painful accident is of Hardoi.
Both the women fell in the kitchen in a rush to escape and were burnt alive. 8 to 10 people got scorched in this accident. After the accident, mourning has spread in the marriage house. All the family members have gone to the postmortem house. The incident is of Neer village of Kotwali Dehat. The marriage of Rakhi, daughter of Sanjeev Singh Somvanshi, who lives here, was fixed in Dularpur. Rakhi’s procession was about to come on Sunday. For this, marriage rituals were going on in the house. The house was decorated. All the close relatives had also reached. On Saturday night at around 8 o’clock the women of the house were cooking. Relatives were in the courtyard and other rooms of the house. Food was also being cooked in the kitchen by making two cylinders and a brick kiln.
Sanjeev’s wife Manju (45) had gone to the kitchen to make something for sake. Sanjeev’s sister Sharmila (50) also went to the kitchen to help him. 8 to 10 women were already present in the kitchen. Some were cooking vegetables, some were frying puris. It was time to eat. Manju started doing some work on the kitchen slab. In the haste of Sharmila who came from behind him, his leg tripped over the cylinder and he fell down. Due to this the pipe came out from the regulator. The stove was burning there. Due to leakage, the fire spread in the kitchen. There was a lot of stampede there

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