Practical examinations will start from January 1, while preparing the datesheet, the board also kept in mind the competitive examinations including JEE Main.
New Delhi. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the dates of class 10th and 12th board exams. The examinations of class 10th and 12th will start from 15th February 2024. While preparing the datesheet of class 12th, the board has also kept in mind the competitive examinations including JEE Main.
The board has not only released the datesheet in this regard, but has also issued a circular in this regard. In the circular issued by Controller of Examinations Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj, it has been said that while preparing the date sheet, the board has kept in mind many major issues. The board has said that adequate variation has been given between the two subjects offered by a student in both the classes.
According to the circular, the board has prepared this date sheet keeping in mind the combination of more than 40,000 subjects to ensure that the examinations of two subjects of a student do not fall on the same date. This time also the starting time of the exam is 10.30 am. The controller of examinations says that the datesheet is released well in advance so that students can prepare well for their examinations.
Practical examinations will start from January 1. CBSE has already released the date of practical examinations of class 10th and 12th. These experimental examinations will start from January 1 and end on February 15. Sample paper is also available on the board’s website. Students can take help from CBSE website to check sample papers, practice it and other information. All information has been shared on this.
Exam will start with easy subjects
The 12th exam would have been held on 15th February with the subject of Entrepreneurship. The first major subject is Hindi Core and Elective on 19th February. English elective and core subject examination is on 22nd February. Chemistry exam is on 27th February and Geography exam is on 29th February. The exams for Mathematics are on 9th March, Psychology on 15th March and Economics on 18th March. Similarly, the board has given the dates of examinations of other subjects in the datesheet. The first question paper of 10th board exam on 15th February is of painting. The first question paper of Hindi in main subjects is on 21st February. English question paper is on 26th February. Science question paper is on 2nd March. Social Science question paper is on 7th March and Mathematics question paper is on 11th March.
how to download
● First of all go to the official website of CBSE
● After this click on the link of 10th and 12th Time Table 2024
● Now a PDF of the time table will appear in front of you.
● Download this PDF