Incident at Bareilly Road Ambedkar Nagar in Haldwani, celebrations broke down
Haldwani. The fire broke out due to gas leakage while cooking food for the 25th wedding anniversary celebration. Three people were burnt in the fire, in which the condition of two is critical.
Ambedkar Nagar ward number one resident and cosmetic goods seller Jugnu Sagar and Laxmi Sagar on Bareilly Road had their 25th wedding anniversary on Sunday. There was an event at home. Food was being cooked for the whole neighborhood in the lower part of the house. Due to gas leakage at around 1.30 pm, a fire broke out near the regulator. Rakesh Kumar, Pratap Singh and Karigar Krishna tried to douse the fire, but the fire engulfed them. People informed the police and fire department, but no one reached for 45 minutes. Meanwhile, people tried to extinguish the fire by pouring water, sand and took out the burning cylinder. Medical College Principal Dr. Arun Joshi said that the condition of two people who got scorched in the accident is critical. Rakesh is scorched up to 80 percent. Which is kept in the ventilator of the trauma center. While 50 percent scorched Krishna Kumar has been kept in the burn surgery ward