Demand for intervention from the district administration, villagers warned of agitation
Pithoragarh. There is a lot of resentment among the people against the alleged negligence going to the site marked for the army camp in Gunji village of the border area adjacent to the border of Nepal and China.
The local villagers protested by reaching the spot and said that a spiritual and mythological fair is held every twelve years at the place where the soil dumping zone has been built. This land of Gunji village has also been a pasture. With the efforts of Van Panchayat Gunji and Gram Panchayat Gunji, through the Pithoragarh Forest Division, saplings were planted on this entire mythological enclave and a security wall was built. At this place, the crematorium of the villagers has also been running for centuries. In the second place, where the contractor has made a sand and pebble dumping zone, the legendary ‘Jumliyashmo’ festival takes place every 12 years for centuries. This festival is associated with the protection and prosperity of this region.
The villagers allege that the entire area has been razed without taking the Van Panchayat and Gram Panchayat of Gunji village into confidence. More than one hundred saplings planted by the Forest Department have been cut. The local army officials are threatening to forcefully work, in such a situation, there is a lot of resentment in the rural society.
Under the leadership of village head Suresh Gunjyal, Bhuvan Gunjyal, Sattal Gunjyal, Aban Gunjyal, Chandu Gunjyal, Suraj Gunjyal and Kiran Gunjyal etc. have demanded immediate intervention from the district administration while demonstrating. Village head Suresh Gunjyal has said that if the construction work is not stopped, then the people of the border areas will be bound for a fierce movement