
Action will be taken against doctors for medicine prescribed from outside: Vandana

DM took a meeting of management committees of District Hospital, Women’s Hospital and Base Hospital

Almora. The meeting of the Management Committees of District Hospital, Women’s Hospital and Base Hospital was organized in the Collectorate Auditorium under the chairmanship of District Magistrate Vandana.
The District Magistrate gave necessary guidelines to the concerned regarding strengthening the arrangements of the hospital. During this, matters raised from time to time by the members of the Management Committee and public representatives regarding the operation of the hospital were also discussed.
Regarding the arrangements in the district hospital, the District Magistrate said that all the necessary arrangements should be maintained including the arrangement of cleanliness in the hospital, arrangement of heaters in the wards. He gave instructions to purchase the necessary material and also said that the unsuitable material should be auctioned and disposed of. During this, he instructed that the facility of ultrasound should be operational continuously. For this, he instructed the Chief Medical Superintendent to make a block-wise roster and give wide publicity to the roster.
He said that the medical superintendents should keep reviewing the arrangements at their level from time to time. During this, the District Magistrate gave strict instructions that if the supplement of the medicine is available in the hospital, then that medicine should not be prescribed from outside. He said that the doctors should make proper use of the available medicines. He said that action will be taken against the concerned if the doctor prescribes medicine from outside despite having available medicine or its supplement.
The District Magistrate also reviewed the arrangements of the Women’s Hospital. During this, the District Magistrate instructed that the works which are going on in routine, should be continued and action should be taken in anticipation of approval.
During the review of the base hospital, the District Magistrate also told the officials of the working organization and the hospital regarding the operation of the operation theater, that by completing all the remaining works, make sure to operate the OT as soon as possible. MLA Almora Manoj Tiwari, Municipal President Prakash Chandra Joshi, CMO Dr RC Pant and other concerned were present in the meeting

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