
Baba Ramdev said, “Read namaz, do whatever comes to your mind, even if you pick up Hindu children.”

Yoga guru Ramdev makes controversial statement on Muslims in Barmer

New Delhi. On Thursday, Swami Ramdev made a controversial statement about Muslims at Dharma Dhuna Temple Pran-Pratishtha in Barmer Panoni Ka Tala (Taratara). Swami Ramdev said that Muslims read morning prayers. Then ask them what your religion says. Just pray five times, then do whatever comes to your mind. Pick up the girls of Hindus and do whatever sin you have to commit.
He said that many people of Muslim society do this, but definitely read namaz. Terrorists and criminals stand up, but they definitely pray. They understand the meaning of Islam. This is what is taught, but this is not the case in Hinduism.
Swami Ramdev said that his paradise means wearing pajamas on the ankle, cutting the mustache and wearing a cap. Then they say that the place in our paradise has been confirmed, we will get paradise. Such paradise is even worse than hell. It’s just madness.
The agenda of Sanatan Dharma is to wake up in the morning at Brahma Muhurat. Get up and chant the name of God, then do yoga. Do good deeds and good deeds by worshiping your idol. This Hinduism and Sanatan teach us. How to live a good life? How to live a sattvik life? There should be sattvikity in our behavior, our work. Violence, lies, not fighting, all this sanatan dharma teaches.
Ramdev also commented on Christianity and said that go to church and stand in front of Jesus Christ by lighting candles even during the day. All sins are cleared. This is what Christian society teaches, but this is not the case in Hinduism.

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