
Not only summer, Holi also came early this year.

In 73 years, Holi was celebrated 53 times on or after March 8.

Haldwani. This time not only summer but Holi has also come early. The festival of Holi is being celebrated with gaiety and gaiety today. In 73 years since 1951, Holi has been celebrated 53 times on or after March 8. At the same time, Holi has been celebrated only 19 times before March 8.
The Meteorological Department data shows that the temperature starts rising every week in March, hindustan media report was quoted as saying. Whenever Holi is celebrated on or after March 8, the week before that, 2023 has been warmer in 23 years. In 1966, 1985 and 2004, Holi was celebrated before March 8, yet in these three years, the week before Holi was warmer than 2023. Holi was celebrated on March 7 this year. The week before Holi is generally considered to be up to three days before the festival. For example, this time the week was till March 5.
The average maximum temperature in the week before Holi was 30.79 degrees, which is the 27th warmest week in these 73 years. It is heating up in most states of North India. Gujarat, Odisha, Assam, Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura and Kerala were the warmest week before Holi. Let us know that this time Holi came 10 days earlier than 2022. Therefore, the pre-Holi week has been colder than last year in all states except Jharkhand.
According to the Meteorological Department data, in the last 73 years, when Holi has fallen on or after March 8, this time it has been more hot in the pre-Holi week.
Experts say that the reason for this may be the rain of the last 30 days. In 2023, the month before Holi was dry. Only 8.20 mm rainfall was received in these 30 days. This is the third such year since 1951. When it rained the least. Earlier, there was less rainfall in 2022 and 2004. This is the reason why the heat increased even before Holi. Talking about 1951, this Holi is the 19th holiest. At the same time, the temperature this time was 1.28 degrees higher than the average temperature from 1981 to 2010. March last year was colder.

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