
School children forced to risk their lives to cross the river like this in Haldwani

Dry river swelled due to rain in the mountains, contact with Vijaypur cut off from Gaulapar, claims of development exposed

Haldwani. River drains are in spate due to the rains in the hilly areas of Nainital district. The contact of Vijaypur village is being cut off due to overflowing of the dry river of Gaulapar. School children are being forced to wait for hours as the water level rises. When the water is less, the children are crossing the river somehow. The people of the area have been demanding for years to build a bridge over the dry river. But the hearing has not happened till date. In such a situation, questions are also being raised on the development of Haldwani.
About seven kilometers from Haldwani is Vijaypur village in Goalapar. The villagers have been demanding for several decades to build a bridge over the river, but the bridge over the river has not yet been built. Due to lack of bridge over the river, the dry river becomes the biggest problem for Vijaypur village during the rainy season.
Many accidents have happened while crossing the river, yet people are crossing the river risking their lives. Deputy District Magistrate Manish Kumar says that people have been urged not to cross the river when the water level of the river is rising, apart from this, written information has also been given to the local police station that at the time when water is coming in the river, At that time the force should be stationed there and the villagers should be prevented from crossing the river

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