
The highest sannyasin is the virtuous sannyasin: Saheb Dada

Sadhus live the divine wealth of Shrimadbhagwadgita in their conduct by being independent, free from conflict: Swami Ramdev

Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj’s life is a scripture for all of us: Acharya Balkrishna

Haridwar. Today, on the fifth day of the 10-day sannyas initiation festival, Saheb Dadaji of Anupam Mission, Gujarat, taught the future sannyasins the dignity of sannyas religion. In the program, Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj and Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj welcomed Saheb Dada by presenting him with a bunch of flowers.
Saheb Dada said that it is a matter of happiness that more than 100 brothers and sisters are going to take the initiation of sannyas in the discipleship of Pujya Swami Ramdev ji. Recruitment in Narayani Sena is increasing under the leadership of Swami ji.
He said that in the sannyas tradition, the Gunateet Sannyasin is considered the top sannyasin. Swami ji is beyond worldliness and materiality in accordance with a virtuous monk. Addressing the future sanyasis, he said that you are being initiated in the company of such a guru, whose stubbornness, jealousy, arrogance etc. defects go away just by being under his command and you become a sanyasi from within.
Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj said that sages live the divine wealth of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita by being selfless, without conflict. This is the best life sir Dadaji is leading. Today we are getting the darshan of such a great man full of divine wealth, transcendental, transcendental and his love for no reason. Swami ji told that at the age of 84, Saheb Dada does Yoga-Pranayama daily.
In the program, Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj said that the life of Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj is a scripture for all of us. Whether it is a matter of effort, spirituality, hard work, karma etc. or our scriptures, Pujya Swamiji Maharaj has set ideals in every field. All of you are going to sacrifice your lives with determination to move on the path shown by Pujya Swamiji, nothing can be bigger than this. Life’s fascination and urge are very dangerous. The one who is about to die, even in him there is a desire to live for a moment. But when we surrender, there is no question of striving for life-death, happiness-sorrow, there only dedication remains.
In the evening session, Gujarat’s famous bhajan singer Geeta Raiwari ji will present bhajans in her melodious voice at ‘Sanatan Sangeet Mahotsav’.
In the program, the Executive Chairman of the Board of Education of India, Shri N.P. Singh, Mr. Ajay Arya, Babu Padmasen Arya, Women Chief Central Incharge Sadhvi Devpriya, Director of Acharyakulam Sister Ritambhara Shastri, Purchase Committee Chairperson Sister Anshul, Head of Communication Department Sister Parul, Chief Central Incharge Brother Rakesh Kumar ‘Bharat’, DrJaideep Arya, Swami Parmarthdev, Swami Arshadev, Swami Videhdev, Swami Ishdev, Swami Jagatdev, Swami Sahdev and all seniors were present

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