Keep these things in mind while giving the exam, the path for admission will be easy
New Delhi. Universities across the country are expressing confidence in providing seats on the basis of CUET UG merit for graduate admissions. This time 261 universities will give admission on the basis of CUET UG 2024 merit. This includes Delhi University, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Ambedkar University Lucknow, Allahabad University Ambedkar University Delhi, Aligarh Muslim University, Lovely University, Amity University and other central, state, deemed-to-be universities and private universities.
According to a senior NTA official, most of the universities of the country are relying on the merit of CUET UG for admission to undergraduate courses. This year 261 universities have announced to give seats through CUET UG merit for admission to undergraduate courses. Whereas 191 universities have joined postgraduate courses.
With CUET UG and PG seats offered by leading universities of the country and other universities, students from remote and rural areas have a great opportunity to get a seat through a national entrance examination. Now students have the opportunity to get admission in various universities of their choice through an application form sitting at home. This will save time of students. Apart from this, relief has also been given from different admission entrance examinations.
Keep these things in mind
- 40 out of 50 questions will have to be solved in each subject. Whereas in the General Test, 50 out of 60 questions will have to be answered.
- Reach the examination center one to one and a half hour before, so that other formalities including security check can be completed on time. ,
- The main gate of the examination center will be closed half an hour before the commencement of the examination.
- No student will be allowed inside at any stage.
- The main gates of the examination center will be opened for the students only after the completion of the examination.
- Biobreak will not be available. Therefore, go to the toilet before the exam starts.
- Be careful about eating and drinking during the exam to avoid heat. Come wearing light cotton clothes.
- You can bring clean drinking water in a transparent bottle.
- Bring a clear printout of the admit card. Apart from this, also keep photo identity card with you.
- Students with papers after one shift will not be allowed to leave the centre.
- You cannot bring any kind of gadget like digital watch, Bluetooth, ear phone etc.