
Uproar against removal of encroachment in Haldwani Jeetpur Negi, forest department team surrounded

Villagers clash with police in protest against demolition of religious place

Haldwani. Villagers surrounded the Forest Department team which went to remove the encroachment late on Wednesday evening in Jeetpur Negi of Gorapadav area. There was a fierce commotion for three hours. The villagers and the forest department have been asked to appear before the SDM with their evidence.
On the orders of the government, a campaign to remove encroachments from the forest land is being run. In this sequence, Forest Officer Umesh Arya along with the team reached Jeetpur Negi on Wednesday evening at around 7.30 pm. Here the work of breaking the angle of the religious place built on the edge of the forest was started. After this the ranger left from there, while other employees including the forest inspector continued to work. Meanwhile, when the villagers got information about the removal of the religious place, a crowd gathered on the spot. People started opposing the action.
An uproar started on this. The ruckus increased so much that there was even a scuffle between the two sides. The police got information about the incident at around 9.30 am. CO and Tehsildar Lalkuan Sachin Kumar reached the spot and pacified the villagers by convincing them. On Thursday, both the parties were asked to appear before the SDM with evidence. After that a decision will be taken on further action. It is being told that the Ranger had come earlier with his team. At that time, the angle of the boundary of the religious place was uprooted and went away

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