After the Corona period, men are at risk of 13 out of the top 20 diseases, what do experts say?
New Delhi. Over the past four years, there has been a significant surge in deaths due to Covid-19, heart disease and cancer across the world. In a related study published in The Lancet Journal, researchers have warned that globally the burden of these diseases is higher in men than women. Not only this, the mortality rate of men due to these diseases is also seen to be high. Presenting the data for the year 2021, researchers said that men are becoming more victims of more than 13 out of the 20 diseases considered fatal at the top level.
In this study conducted during the coronavirus pandemic, scientists found that men are not only more prone to diseases but their life expectancy is also decreasing with time. Covid-19 was described as the most challenging health condition in the year 2021. Men experienced 45 percent more health loss from COVID-19 than women. But let us understand what is the reason for the increase in health risks in men and how these diseases affect the health of women.
The new analysis estimates that 13 of the top 20 diseases will be more likely to affect men in 2021, Lancet experts said. These diseases mainly include coronavirus infection and the health complications caused by it, heart, respiratory and liver related diseases.
In contrast, globally, women experienced more musculoskeletal problems (such as bone-muscle-related diseases), mental health problems and non-life-threatening disorders (less life-threatening) such as headaches.
Data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 was used for this modeling research. In this, the data of victims of 20 major diseases and deaths due to them between 1990 and 2021 was studied. It also looked at data on age-adjusted life years (DALYs) and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs).
Women saw higher levels of disease and disability because they live longer than men, says Dr. Luisa Sorio Flor, senior author of the data study at the University of Washington.
diseases occurring in men and women
Heart disease remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide, although studies have shown large differences by gender. Large differences in health impairment between men and women have also been reported in ischemic heart disease. Men suffered more health loss due to heart disease than women. Problems of Alzheimer’s-dementia, anxiety-depression, arthritis and bone-muscle related pain are being seen more in women.
What are the reasons for increasing disease and mortality in men?
In the conclusion of the study, researchers said that lifestyle-related conditions have been considered the main reason for men becoming victims of diseases and increasing mortality. Smoking, stress, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption make them more susceptible to these diseases. At the same time, after menopause, the risk of heart disease and other health problems increases significantly in women. Hormonal changes occurring in the body have been found to be a major risk factor for serious diseases in women after a certain age.